Promotional Mix

Successful marketing communication relies on a combination of the promotional mix. These options include advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, and personal selling. Read More
Successful marketing communication relies on a combination of the promotional mix. These options include advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, and personal selling. Read More
As a marketer or business owner, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to reach your customers if you’re not incorporating videos into your content strategy — and optimizing those videos for social. But if you’re not a filmmaker or social media pro yourself, it all might seem a bit daunting. Fear not! Read More
As brands see more and more people use ad blockers, tune out TV spots or cut the cord altogether, it’s easy to see why Jaguar, Absolut, Mastercard and more are turning to experiential marketing, which they say has the potential to create direct connections and more meaningful relationships with consumers.
“It’s more and more difficult to succeed through traditional advertising,” says Raja Rajamannar, chief marketing officer for Mastercard, which revamped its marketing strategy a few years ago to focus on experiences. “With the amount of clutter you’ve got to cut through, the attention span of the consumer going down—six seconds is what they say the attention span of a human being is, less than a goldfish—so how do you get past that hurdle and then inspire consumers?”
E2 Driving Momentum -recruit others to get the word out
E2 is a restaurant and venue space in Pittsburg, PA that gained popularity over the years. They gained popularity and press during a snow storm in 2010 known as the “Snowmaggedon” by serving hot soup (Stephen, 2015, Para. 2). To expand and grow the business in 2012 they decided to raise funds by crowdsourcing to renovate the venue space. Kickstarter is the platform and the approach they chose to support their initiative. Kickstarter is different and effective because it creates a sense of urgency and time constraints of the campaign. They had 30 days to raise $17,000 dollars through Kickstarter and if they did not, then no fund from the platform would be donated (Stephen, 2015, Para. 3). Earn it or lose it in short.
Live More, Worry Less! When my mother passed away four months after being diagnosed with cancer, I asked myself, “If I only had 22 years left to live, what would I do differently?” The answers boiled down to, “How could I live more and worry less?” I’m a list person—so I made one that served both as my bucket list and as a plan of action (more on that later).